In accompanying youth and their loved ones through recovery, peer support (PS) workers and family peer support (FPS) workers are often best positioned to support individuals in developing strategies to maintain their health in a sustainable manner beyond the services received in hospital settings. The presence of a mentor and shared experiences can facilitate access and engagement of youth and their loved ones in services.

The integration of Peer support/family peer support (PS/FPS) workers is part of the recommendations of the Cadre de référence des Programmes pour premiers épisodes psychotiques (FEPP reference framework) of the MSSS. The Plan d’action interministériel en santé mentale 2022-2026 (Action Plan on Mental Health) emphasizes that the expertise of PS/FPS workers promotes full participation of individuals and development of recovery-oriented services.

This project, which aims to develop peer and family support in Quebec’s FEPP, is part of a Rapid Learning System (SARPEP) that includes 20 FEPPs and extends to all programs in the province. More specifically, this component aims to integrate PS/FPS workers into 12 FEPPs initially associated with the project. SARPEP wishes to support the integration and interventions of PS/FPS workers through different modalities of the PAIR-PEP approach that we develop:

1) various tools to support the referral to PS workers, the interventios of PS workers in the interdisciplinary intervention plans (IIP) and according to the needs of the youth;

2) Intervision and group mentoring: by experienced peer-help mentors

3) SARPEP’s community of practice: stakeholders (youth, loved ones, clinical teams, managers, and researchers) and the project’s PS/FPS workers.

Several trainings and tools will be available on the website. The objectives are to find out if SARPEP facilitates the integration of PS/FPS workers into the teams, and to evaluate the impact on stakeholders and the barriers and facilitators to their integration.

Partner Organizations
