

Research centers, universities and partner organizations

SAR PEP pilot project funding (2019-2021)

SAR PEP funding (2022 to date)

PAIR PEP funding


PAIR PEP funds

The aim of the SARPEP study is to facilitate the large-scale implementation of a “learning health system” to support the implementation of First Episode Psychosis Programs (FEPP) in Quebec for young people with emerging psychotic illness.

The PAIRPEP sub-program takes advantage of this learning health system to promote and support the implementation of peer support in these FEPPs. By accompanying these young people and their loved ones in their recovery, peer helpers and family peer helpers are often best placed to support individuals in developing strategies to maintain their health sustainably beyond the services received in hospital settings.

The Réseau des diplômés et des donateurs de l’Université de Montréal was able to raise $900,000 over 3 years to support the PAIRPEP project. We would like to warmly thank the Graham Boeckh, Hewitt, Écho, and Rossy foundations for their generous donations.